Monday, December 12, 2011


Magickal Hummingbyrd's Visionary Mystical Attunement With ♥ELEN Of THE WAYS♥ The Celtic Reindeer~Antlered Green Goddess! ♣ In Visionary Trance Meditation. I Am A ArchDruidess Ordained By ♥The Druid Clan Of Dana!♥ 

 ♦♦♦ On August 18, 2011 Thursday 12 Noon USA Time ~ 8 PM UK Time ♦♦♦

♦ My Attunement ♦ Communion ♦ Vision Lasted From 12 Noon Until 2:36 PM ~ USA PST Time ♦

When I first entered the meditative attunement I found myself within a deep forest of Huge ancient trees covered with moss and vines and moss covered rocks were everywhere. There was a Huge moss covered tree directly in  front of me blocking my way. There was no path and I had to struggle to get my footing on the damp moss covered rocks to get around that tree.

When I succeeded in getting around to the other side of the tree, the woods opened into a much brighter, easy to walk area, lit by the big Full Moon above... with a northern pathway directly before me. Everywhere was the spicy fragrance of pine, cedar and Autumn.

An Owl Hoots to the West Of me. Walking on I say, "Elen Of The Ways, Green Lady Of The Trees And The  Olde Secret Trackways Of The Land And Sky And Stars... Walk With Me And Show Me Your Mysteries!"

I feel a rush of Presence ... filled with an enveloping love and excitement and an inwardly deep expansive otherworldly silence.  Quickly I come to a Crossroads where there is a big wide and tall amber~trunked roughly~barked beautiful tree before me. Elen is standing at the left of the tree. Elen enraptues my being...  Her Presence is potent with power, mystery, magick and love. Wild Freedom and deep Wizdom emanate from  Her. She is very much of a Divine Wild Forest Nature... yet she has a profoundly Ethereal aura about her which encompasses the Stars and many realms.

Elen has big, tall... truly full sized multi~branched Reindeer Antlers sprouting from her head. They L@@K like they would be very heavy, but she bears them as if they were as light as a feather. Her antlers seem that they would pass through objects like a ghost if she needed to get through small spaces... her whole body seemed likewise able of this. Her velvety antlers have a rich amber colour.

Elen's Face was exquisite with otherworldly traits. Her face had both the characteristics of a strong and beautiful human female and a lovely delicate deer. Her eyes are very big and shaped like lotus~petals... very much the shape of a deer's {or giraffe's} lovely big eyes. Elen's eyes are blue~green sparking portals to other realms... and to the most enlightened realms of our own inner being.  Elen's ears are a bit taller than usual human ears and have an Elfen deer~like shape... and peaked at the top. She is slim but very sturdy feeling. She is wearing forest~like garb indeed! From her thighs down she wearing a skirt of long fresh green leaves and her feet are bare. She is wearing seed and berry necklaces around her neck. The rest of her garb ~ from her thighs up... is layers of fabrics made from forest greenery and an assortment of soft barks and feathers. She has a bell strung on a red cord hanging from her garb at hip level on her right~side. Elen tells me to "Use Bells Often."  When I first Glimpsed Elen she seemed to be carrying in her right~hand a tall wooden and barked staff which was forked at the top... resembling two antlers. Now, as she stands before me I don't see her holding it... it must be leaning against the  tree. Elen's Hair is to her mid~back and has tight crimped waves... it is rich amber~golden in colour. As Elen  gazes at me I feel completely Loved and overwhelmed with Her Power... Wise and Free and Wild ... yet her wildness can be Tamed when appropiate ... by Herself alone. Elen can move very quickly, very spritely and swift, and seems lighter than a feather.

I was facing North. The big Full Moon is above. A large green frog is by my feet on the West. I joyfully ran and zoomed around Elen very fast in circles and jumped into Her arms! I was as light as a feather. I dedicated myself to Her.

Elen squeezed my left hand as I stood beside Her when I asked, "How I could best serve the Environment ~ Mother Earth ~ ALL Animals and Creatures and Her? I seek to Awaken receptive being's mystical magickal spiritual Higher~Consciousness towards Enlightenment and a cruelty~free Life! How can I fulfill this?"

Elen said. "Meditate Always. Don't Be Lazy. Always Inwardly Feel And Hear The Happy Busy Bees Humming And Buzzing Around The Forest Honeycombs." I said to Elen, "I Am Your Magickal Hummingbyrd And Your Bee."

I said to Elen, "Lets Travel Together In The Beautiful Spiritual Planes And Inner Astral Realms!  Elen said, "I Will. I Will Take You There Soon. My Antlers Are Conduits Of Many Realms... Reaching Into Higher Levels Of SPIRIT. Everything Is Within You."

I was facing Elen and she took my hands in Hers. I gazed into Her big deer~like blue~green shimmering eyes shaped like lotus~petals. My entire being entered into Her Eyes. I was in a Blissful bright crystal~blue and white radiance of pure Love.

Again as I stood before Elen... She Hugged me so completely close... with such Motherly~Sisterly Love that I merged into Her.

Elen gestures towards the North Road and drops down Her hand. There in the pathway is a big rainbow hued Opal gemstone Sphere. I have many stones... but, not Opal.  Opal has many potent, mysterious and magickal qualities.

The East Road gave me a Golden Ankh of real Gold... and a White Feather ... a Black Feather ... and a Peacock Feather.

The South Road gave me a marvelous Phoenix Bird.

The West Road gave me a small shimmering liquid and silvery~white ... very flowery~fragrant magick healing Pond Of Scrying Visions... like a Magickal Mirror Portal. Elen told me. "Such a Mirror will come into your Life." There are butterfly Fae beings fluttering above us... Watching. Huge white Moon Flowers and their curling twisting vines grow along this western path.

Then Elen and I... holding hands... walked down further the East Road. The big Full Moon above brightened our path. There was a brilliant blue~cast everywhere. A Huge {size of a sheep} very fuzzy~furry bright yellow and  black striped BEE flew and hovered above us... Joyfully in Glee dropping fragrant Bee Pollen onto our hair and body. Soon a White Snowy Owl swoops down and Hoots at us from above. Elen and I turn and quickly arrive back at the Crossroads. Elen kisses me on the forehead and vanishes. I am in Bliss... engulfed in Her Power and Her Love and Her Blessings! She will be with me Forevermore!

My Visionary Magickal Mystical Auspicious Blessed Communions With Elen Of The Ways!!!

♥)O(♥ Magickal Hummingbyrd ♥)O(♥

Thursday, December 8, 2011


The Fellowship of Isis Manifesto

Written By Olivia Robertson

The Fellowship of Isis

The hieroglyphs were researched by Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and drawn by Olivia Robertson

Aset t fem. det. sh-m-s- w "go, walk" det. plural sign

Aset Shemsu - The Retinue of Aset
Foundation Centre: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire

The Fellowship of Isis Manifesto

Growing numbers of people are rediscovering their love for the Goddess. At first, this love may seem to be no more than an inner feeling. But soon it develops; it becomes a longing to help the Goddess actively in the manifestation of Her divine plan. Thus, one hears such enquiries as, "How can I get initiated into the Mysteries of the Goddess? How can I experience a closer communion with her? Where are her nearest temples and devotees? How can I join the priesthood of the Goddess?", and many other such questions.

The Fellowship of Isis has been founded to answer these needs. Membership provides means of promoting a closer communion between the Goddess and each member, both singly and as part of a larger group. There are hundreds of Iseums and thousands of members all over the world, since the Fellowship was founded in 1976 by Lawrence, Pamela and Olivia Durdin-Robertson. Love, Beauty and Truth are expressed through a multi-religious, multi-cultural, multi-racial Fellowship. The good in all faiths is honoured. The Fellowship of Isis has no particular affiliations.

The Fellowship is organized on a democratic basis. All members have equal privileges within it, whether as a single member or part of an Iseum or Lyceum. This manifesto applies also to the daughter societies: the College of Isis, the Spiral of the Adepti, the Spiral of Alchemy, the Noble Order of Tara and the Druid Clan of Dana.

The Fellowship respects the freedom of conscience of each member. There are no vows required or commitments to secrecy. All Fellowship activities are optional and members are free to resign without question. Membership is free.

The Fellowship reverences all manifestations of Life. The God also is venerated. The Rites exclude any form of sacrifice, whether actual or symbolic. Nature is revered and conserved. The work of the Noble Order of Tara is for conservation of Nature.

The Fellowship accepts religious toleration, and is not exclusivist. Members are free to maintain other religious allegiances. Membership is open to all of every religion, tradition and race. Children, listed as "Children of Isis", are welcomed, subject to parental consent. The “Animal Family of Isis” accepts members’ animal and bird friends through centres.

The Fellowship believes in the promotion of Love, Beauty and Abundance. No encouragement is given to asceticism. The Fellowship seeks to develop friendliness, psychic gifts, happiness, and compassion for all life. The Druid Clan of Dana develops Nature's psychic gifts.

The College of Isis has been revived after its suppression 1,500 years ago. Like Aset Shemsu, The F.O.I. itself, it has always been alive in the Inner Planes. It is from these Inner Planes that its return has been inspired. Magi degrees may be conferred through Lyceums of the College. Correspondence courses are offered. There are no vows nor secrecy.

Iseums are the very Hearths of the Goddess, or Goddess and God to Whom they are dedicated. These are listed, along with Lyceums in every Isian News. Tara Priories and Dana Groves are also listed regularly. All these centers and Isian News are for FOI members only.

The Archpriesthood Union of the FOI Priesthood, together with the ArchDruid Union of the Druid Clan of Dana and the Grand Commander Union of the Noble Order of Tara (FOI Foundation Union Triad) are Guardians to inspire the ideals of The Fellowship of Isis. All members are equal, and are not subject to anyone. All work with the Goddess - or Goddess and God - of their own Faith. Every Being - human, animal, bird, tree - element - is an eternal offspring of the Divine Family of the Mother Goddess.

♦ ♥ http://FellowshipOfIsis.Com ♥ ♦

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